Well-being matters when it comes to co-parenting

Adina Lebowitz, MA, Family Mediator

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The fast pace of our lives creates chronic stress. Stress can have adverse effects on our health, our work, and our relationships. We’re overcommitted, encouraged to be constantly available, working long hours, commuting, chauffeurring kids, eating meals on the go, and have no down time to balance out our hectic schedules.

The perfect storm for Burnout - the state of being completely depleted!

Know what I mean? Have you been there?

When we are going through a separation or divorce, we are under some of the most intense stress of our lives.

  • Ending a relationship can involve months or years of legal proceedings, and tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars.

  • The emotional and financial stress takes its toll.

  • Particularly when family courts are deciding on custody and parenting time, how we handle STRESS matters!We’re all familiar with stress in our everyday lives. What is stress overwhelm?

An extreme state of “fight or flight” leading to severe anxiety, panic, or rage.

It’s very hard to be in a relationship with a person who is overwhelmed by STRESS and ANXIETY. And then the relationship ends. And for a time the stress gets even worse.

I work with clients to restore balance to their lives in stressful times.

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As your coach, I will listen to your concerns about the stress in your life and we’ll explore ways to find what truly works for you, empowering you to set goals and make changes so you can live your BEST life. 

I will provide ongoing support and guidance to get you from where you are to where you want to be on your journey to have less stress and more peace in your post-divorce life!

What clients are saying:

“I had NO HOPE. I felt so broken. Adina listened compassionately and helped me feel less anxious and more HOPEFUL about the future.”

“I never thought I’d get through this. With Adina’s guidance I did, and I am now living a bright future.”

You deserve to start living a healthier life TODAY. Fill out the form below to get your free guide to Co-parenting with Less Stress and More Peace!

Adina Lebowitz, MA is a family mediator and co-parenting facilitator in Minneapolis/St Paul Minnesota having completed training with Dan Simon on Transformative Mediation. For couples in conflict, this method can help you find less stress and more peace. Individual coaching sessions are also available.

Her training also includes Health Coaching through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, Active Parenting Leader Training in Co-parenting and Divorce curriculum, and a Master’s degree in Healthcare Management from the University of St. Thomas in Minneapolis, MN.

Member of Collaborative Law Institute of Minnesota (CLI) and International Academy of Collaborative Professionals (IACP)